Wednesday, November 26, 2008


pretty much happy as could be.


thank you for being in my life!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Explain Yourselves...

And now from the files of Tam's Dating Tips...
(many years have gone into this investigation, so try not to judge too hard here, people.)

Do you Mormon types remember back in the day when Elder Oaks said this little ditty:

"If you don't know what a date is, perhaps this definition will help. I heard it from my 18-year-old granddaughter. A 'date' must pass the test of three p's: (1) planned ahead, (2) paid for, and (3) paired off."

So, I ask...
How far ahead do you think it means when he advises one to "plan ahead?"

I have recently been a witness to something... and I'm wondering if this is a syndrome of sorts.

Guys are asking girls out at the very, very last minute.
"What are you doing after work? Wanna go to a movie?"


What should a woman assume from this?
a.) he thinks she doesn't have plans
b.) he thinks she should dump her friends and hang out with him instead
c.) she is totally jonesin' for a date with him that she'd drop anything last-minute
d.) he's desperate for some female companionship and thought of her
e.) his friends ditched him and he's looking for a back-up plan
f.) something else

What's the deal here? If he really thinks she's that desperate, then why is he asking her out anyway?

Another question:
What goes into whether a guy will ask a girl out on a second date? And how long should he wait?

Also pulling from the "Back-in-the-day File"...
please take another look-see at this and lemme know what you think.

Comments, friends. I'm lookin' for some feedback here.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fall. Fun. Friends!

Heart you Sara!

Our Fall adventure northward. Funny... we didn't take any pictures of leaves on our foliage-finding adventure!

How bout them apples?!!!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Trick or Treat?!

What was Watson for Halloween?

Why, Sherlock Holmes, of course!!!

Since he didn't get any candy, he opted to eat my old iPod instead.
Atta boy!