Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Soup's ON!

Y'all... Check it.

I'm SOOOOOO excited because it's FALL AGAIN!!!! The time of year when I get to eat yummy soup all the time, drink hot chocolate galore, feel the crisp air tingling on my skin. And I'm SERIOUS -- I feel in love ALL DURING THE SEASON. It's a good time for me. I just love, love, love it!

Some of my hopes and dreams to check off this Fall include:
*a hay ride
*pumpkin carving
*a corn maze (never done that one!)
*apple picking
*heading north to see the foliage, walking through the woods
*sitting along the river and freezing my buns off at night

help me celebrate Fall fun! What other things can I add to my list? What do you plan to do???