Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm not sure if the people in the northwest think of us as crazy California drivers or unforgiving New York drivers, but apparently we don't fit in on the roads up here. The first day we were here I was flipped off in Oregon. I figured the woman was extra antsy because our rental has Washington plates.
And then Evan was given the bird in Washington. So they hate us there too.

Other than that, it's been a great trip so far.

On a side note...
Tonight is Stand Up to Cancer, a cross-network televised fundraiser for cancer research. I love this. Most of you know, cancer has played a big part in my family life for a long time. Over the years I've done a few fundraisers for different types of cancer. This particular fundraiser is for collaborative cancer research. Check out their website or watch tonight at 8pm (7central).