Tuesday, May 02, 2006


After several months of freaking out about my master's project, it's finally time to relax! Okay, not really. I still have a couple weeks of work left and need to find a job, but whatever.

Point is -- I'm done with my project!

Graduation is now just a couple weeks away. Afterward, I'm heading off to Prague to hang out with Ruthie. Then I'll meet up with my mom in London for a few days. (Thank you Mom and your frequent flyer miles!!!) And then it's back to Portland for a bit.

I plan on having a party the first Saturday in June, so block out some time in the evening to celebrate, okay?

Also, I've decided to come back to New York. I don't know when, but I figure now is the time to do it. I don't have a job or a place to live, but I suppose that will all be figured out over time.

I will post something longer and more interesting after finals.
Thanks so much for your support and interest in my life over the past few months!