Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Still Looking

So I was recently turned down for a job. I suppose I needed the humbling because I thought I was a shoo-in after the interview. I'm not too bummed about not getting it. It wasn't a dream job. I'm moreso bummed that this means I'm back to wondering, "What job do I want?" and "Where do I want to work?"
I feel as if I've been going through this routine a few times over the past few years... especially over the past six months. And now I feel as if I'm on some sort of a deadline.

You know the adage that defines insanity as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"?

As I approach this routine again I'm trying to figure out how to approach this whole thing differently. I'm not really sure!

Is there some sort of way you approach these sorts of decisions?