Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Advice From a Housewife

Every now and then my job allows me to speak with really interesting people. Today I spoke briefly with Marcia Cross, from "Desperate Housewives." In the past two years, show's gone from being publicly assumed a lesbian, to a new bride, to a new mommy times two (yea for twins!). She recently turned 45.

So here's what she had to say about going from being single to inviting a wonderful man into her life:

I was not a hopeful person before. So be hopeful! I actually think that this was a lof of work for myself. I was attracted to a lot of artists and men who didn't want to get married. I didn't know whether I was going to be attracted to the right kind of guy. I don't know what happened. Finally I was attracted to someone. And I didn't put the blame out there. I didn't say, "There are no men in Los Angeles." I took responsibility for myself.

(Not really sure why I felt the need to post this, but hopefully it's helpful to someone out there!)