Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Am Blessed

There are times when I see people and wonder how they are so happy. And I think I'm finally getting it.

They choose to be.

In my old stake in Oregon, there's a family I adore -- The Youngs. Any time I would ask Fontella (mom) how she was doing, she'd give me a big smile with, "Oh honey... I'm blessed!"

Why was she so blessed? And why was she always so happy?

I'm finally beginning to link the obvious pieces together. It's only taken 30 years. In some ways I feel behind. In others, I feel ahead.

I believe it's possible for us to be happy all the time and for us to truly have joy. I believe that's our purpose on Earth -- to feel joy. And it's our choice whether that's how we live our lives.

My question is this: Do you think it's easy to live a life of joy?

My answer is "yes." I think it's easy and I think we muck it up a lot. We get in the way of our own joy!

Do we have to struggle? Or do we just choose to?

Your thoughts please!