Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Do you know who you're voting for?
I seriously have no idea. Which is actually a surprise to me.
Neither of my candidates (one a Republican, the other a Democrat) won the spot in their primaries, so now I'm not really sure which of these guys I'm leaning toward.

Let me know. I'm putting up another poll on here, so if you feel to respond that way, that's great. Or feel free to make a quick comment or shoot me an email on who you're supporting and why.

I'm not looking for you to sway my decision. I'll be making that on my own.

What I'm most interested in knowing is this:
How heavily do each of these weigh in your consideration: his policy and his personality?
(Please actually think about that question before answering)

So far, I'm voting for Paris Hilton.

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