Wednesday, September 07, 2005

First Day of School

For the first half of the day, I was absolutely overwhelmed. By the afternoon, I was just irritated.
In our program, we're required to take an elective outside the journalism school. I actually found a class that seems to fit perfectly with my needs in the theatre department: Modern Theory & Criticism. I'm not sure if the professor will let me in the class; he says he's concerned about size. So this has me "shopping" for another class.
I'm now thinking of taking something in the film school. I checked out a couple classes last night (first one was way too big, the second one i could only stand the boring professor for five minutes). I am on the hunt again today.

I know this will all work out, but sometimes it's a little hard to remember. In the meantime, I'm seriously considering doing my thesis as a documentary. I've already signed up for a class learning how to use their shooting and editing equipment. This should be an interesting experience.

Also, I woke up twice last night with a horrible Charlie Horse. I suppose I need to stretch more after all this walking...