I'm being spoiled with more visitors!
This picture describes two of my friends perfectly: Allison in the forefront with a silly joyful smile and Nick standing in the background looking as if he's mostly serious.
They came in town last weekend and we scoured Manhattan. I loved it. Every time I'm with this duo I just feel grounded and at home. They're fantastic.
I worked with Allison back at "The Deuce" in Portland for a few years. Then she left me for Boston when Nick became an even bigger nerd than before (as if it were possible) and made it into MIT where's he's now pursuing a Ph.D in Astro-Physics. Allison still works in television.
Allison and Nick bring out the best in each other and I feel as if I'm a better person just by knowing them. They're not an uber-couple or anything. They're just real.
These two have been together for a few years. They met through one of their mutual friends and hit it off right away. After she met him it was as if she became a clearer and fuller version of herself than she'd been with other boyfriends. She was fearless about her pursuit, whereas before she was more calculated and stressed. Somehow she just knew Nick was it.
It's funny watching your friends when they meet the person they will spend the rest of their lives with. There's something distinctly different about them. I can remember the moment with each of my friends when I realized they'd met someone different. In some cases I was able to figure it out before they did!
I think it's kinda' magical actually.
I love being around couples like that.

Yes, these pics are old but I don't care. I like them.
Kelly and I met a few years ago. The first conversation we ever had together I knew we'd be lifelong friends. Have you ever had that feeling?
Kelly has the uncanny ability to philosophize and be silly in the same sitting. Plus, she laughs at my jokes, so you know she's a shoo-in.

Dylan and I have been friends for a few years. We used to sit next to each other in church so people would think we were dating. I had a philosophy at the time that it might make us appear more appealing to those who'd want to date us if we seemed unavailable. [He ended up married so maybe it kinda' worked...?]

It was totally weird watching two of my closest friends fall in love with each other. Weird in a good way. Kinda' like that magic thing I was just mentioning.
Last Friday Kelly and I talked about her transition from "dater" to "mater" and the changes we both noticed. It's so great talking about it!
This month marks their one year wedding anniversary. Bliss!
Yes, the romantic in me has come to fruition as a result of my fun little thesis. At least it's been fun so far! I almost have too many good interviews and angles. I just hope it turns out well. If nothing else, I'm meeting more people which is always the best!
Up next for me: I'm heading to P-Town this Friday for a quick trip. On the agenda: taxes, DMV, family/pets, friends, and Kaarina's bridal shower.
Yea Kaarina and Forrest!
Then the following Tuesday I head to SLC for a couple days to do some "research." I'll be back in the big city in time for St. Paddy's Day.
Good times.