Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Rebirth of My Master's Project

First and foremost, thank you to those of you who have been there to offer me some serious support over the past few weeks and especially over the past few days. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life who truly know me and love me. I have no idea how I ended up so lucky.

My "purging of emotions" has helped pick up my attitude. Thank goodness. Taking risks is a scary but good thing for me.

I wanted to give you an update on what has felt like an ever-evolving master's project. I'm in the midst of making a final pitch for a new topic. I'm going to look at Hip Hop Theater and its struggle to get onto the main stage. The playwrights I've been in contact with so far seem to be pretty willing to talk. I just hope my advisor actually approves it.
The master's project has proven to be a thorn in my side. But from the insight I've gained from my friends -- this is simply a requirement of any master's project.

Otherwise, things are improving.

I found out yesterday that one of my professors enjoyed my most recent reported story. She's going to submit the stories from all of our class members (six of us) to Columbia News Service. It's a wire service. Who knows, it could end up in print! If nothing else, I am just glad to hear that my writing is receiving some positive response among an overwhelming amount of negative feedback. Baby steps.

The radio is already playing 24 hour Christmas music. Funny. I thought Thanksgiving hadn't even arrived yet. I must be confused...