Friday, January 13, 2006

Brown Boots

I've been on a quest for a pair of brown boots for quite a long time. I have no idea when it started, but once I decided I wanted the boots I began a long, arduous hunt. I've searched high and low, from sea to shining sea. Every shoe store I see, I'm drawn in to just give it a shot. Several of my friends and family members have even helped me by leaving me phone messages about a pair they spotted or they've joined me for a look. I have likely trekked miles and miles in my good shoes to find the perfect pair, but to no avail.

It's not as if I'm being unreasonable. I just know what kind of boots I want: tall, cute, dark ones that actually fit me. All that I have found are short ones, uncomfortable ones, the wrong look, the wrong size, or ones that just were WAY not my style.

I mean, really. Of the many millions of boots in New York and Portland I'm just looking for ONE PAIR. And yet, the longer and longer I look for them, the more and more I'm convinced that my boots just don't exist.

So tonight I walked into a few more stores, again dreaming that my boots will just sit there with an inaudible cry toward my way. Then I realized: there are so many other cute shoes that I've allowed to go unnoticed. Did I actually walk into dozens and dozens of stores with blinders on? How could I miss the rest of the options?

So I opened my eyes to the world of beautiful pumps, boots, slides, and tennies... and I found a pair.

They're not boots. They're not even dress shoes so they can't be worn with the skirts I purchased to go along with my nonexistent boots. They're not at all what I was looking for. But they're cute, fun, and they fit. And they're my new favorite pair.

While my boots might not be out there somewhere, I might find another comparable pair of boots someday, right when I least expect it. Or maybe I won't find them at all.

In the meantime, I'm keeping the cute skirts hanging in the closet. And I'm going to enjoy my time sporting my new kicks.