Friday, January 27, 2006

A Couple Pics

Last weekend I spent several hours waiting outside Wicked and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee waiting for lottery tickets. Basically, you have to put your name in a box, stand outside freezing for about an hour, and hope they pick your name for $25 tickets. I waited twice for each show and lost. Good thing I brought a book. I bought rush tickets for Chicago instead with John O'Hurley and Robin Givens.
I was most impressed with the chorus.

To your right is a picture of the Manhattan LDS Temple. I also call it "church." Because property is so expensive here, the Mormons decided to build one building and use half as a temple and the other half for regular church services and activities. This is where I attend services and also ask several surly questions in Sunday school as any good heretic would.

I know. You're thinking, "You promised me pictures and this is all you're giving me?" The truth is, I've never been one to carry a camera everywhere, despite my innate tendencies toward photography. So bear with me.
Besides, I didn't want you to think my blog was only going to consist of "meaningful" entries with depth. Sheesh.