Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008: The Year of ME; The Year of LOVE!

It's ON, friends!
Welcome back and welcome to a new year. And what a FANTASTIC year this is and will be. I am embracing all possibilities as if I'm living life to my fullest with a true "eternal perspective."
In the past, I've taken that term to mean keeping my focus on my eternal purpose and goals... thinking about my life in a very linear way... from where I am now to where I want to end up.
Today, I think of it in another way... moreso that I'm already the person I'm meant to be. I already have the blessings, talents, gifts, and love that I hope for... at least in some form and in some time. I suppose a visual way to explain it would be like the string theory applied to time.

Nonetheless, lately that's my focus. So in a sort, I suppose I'm awakening a little more to who I am and am fully celebrating it! And I think I'm done "hiding my light under a bushel." It really does no one any good -- most of all, me.

I've dubbed 2008 The Year of ME. And I'm adding my subtitle "The Year of LOVE" to it. I'm opening myself up to the possibility of loving everything about myself and the world around me. And I don't mean this in a narcissistic, annoyingly cocky kinda way. I mean truly appreciating the gifts that God has given to me personally. I would hate to look at my life and see that I felt unappreciated or unloved in my life, most of all by myself. I believe that what you put out, you receive. So I'm putting out the love vibe. Not so much romantic love (although that vibe proves prosperous as well!!!), but love in the good and godly sense.

I hope to make each day worthwhile... and not a waste!
This year has so much goodness coming my way. This is it! This is the year! All the rest were practice!
And I look forward to you joining me for the ride!