Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'll be in Portland in a couple weeks. Rene's sister, Melinda, is getting married! Woo hoo!
Plus, Maren and Jonathan just had a wee one! Yay! Olivia Copeland is now ruling the house on 75th!
And said house is another reason I'm heading there for a few days. I'm selling all my stuff -- couch, china, dining room table, oriental rug, house/kitchenware, etc. So it'll be a cleaning trip. But lemme know if you want to come help clean. Or if you want some of my stuff. Otherwise, it's a craigslist item waiting to happen.



Tam likes tangents.

So I've been daydreaming about my next vacation destination. And I just want to go to Los Angeles (that's what New York winters will do to a girl). But I'm also thinking about taking myself on a lil trip this year. So... let's daydream. Where are you thinking of taking yourself this year?

My ideas so far:
Back to London (this is a daily desire)
Back to Ireland
Mexico (more specifically, anywhere in Mexico with cool ruins)
the Caribbean (or anywhere starring Johnny Depp)

Okay. Your turn.