Thursday, January 03, 2008


I think I'm finally getting it.

It's all supposed to be relatively easy, isn't it? This whole man-woman-love thing. I don't mean it's not work, but I think it's not supposed to be really hard work. Kinda like having a job you really love; you don't mind the work. And I suppose just as it is when you find the right job, that's what happens when you find the right person.

A friend of mine told me about her crazy, chaotic ending to what I thought was a nearly-perfect relationship. [no girl, in no way would i out you!] I swear, her story made me wonder whether the world was off its axis. I thought they were "meant to be." But I think my past year has shifted my paradigm a bunch when it comes to this topic -- a necessary shift that has brought me to the joy I feel today.

A year ago I believed in destiny, fate, even soulmates. Today I believe in love, goodness, joy. I suppose the reality of love lies somewhere within all that.

Who you love sometimes might not make sense I suppose. And who you decide to pass up... well, sometimes that doesn't make sense either. But today, I'm a believer in mystery and miracles... and the blessings of bliss. I truly believe that love is a choice. And today I choose to love not based on destiny or duty but because I simply choose to do so.

Love isn't complicated... unless we choose to make it that way. But it is beautiful and simple. And it is possible -- oh so possible! And I'm so grateful for it!