Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Blog

In a couple months, a new book is coming out that's piqued my interest. It's called, "Claiming Christ: A Mormon and an Evangelical Debate Jesus." It's written by Gerald McDermott, a professor from my under-grad alma mater, Roanoke College... along with Professor Millet from BYU.

In reading the reviews for the book, I found a really great comment:

"The challenge of interdenominational dialogue—like any genuine dialogue—is not to resolve disagreement, but to capture it and represent it accurately and in good faith." -Teryl Givens

I think Givens has some great insight on the purpose of discussion.

My blog is a source for me to write and to share. And sometimes, I like us to have fun discussions.

This is - and has been - a moderated blog. You comment, I decide whether to post.

For now, I'll continue to leave my privacy level as such. Before I was very liberal with posting comments. Now... not so much. Especially with those pertaining to dialogue. When I open this up as a forum, I'll be a little more diligent out of respect for myself and for my friends and contributors. I think blogs can be a good source for discussion, and I like that mine has been able to serve that purpose from time to time. So I promise to be more diligent in allowing comments that represent fact and refrain from attacking other people's perceptions.
I'm on this Earth to learn from people while respecting them. On this blog, that's the attitude I'm taking and accepting.
If that means I'm losing readers, so be it. This blog has been and continues to be for me, my family, and my friends.

Read the quote I've chosen to headline this blog.

If you continue to visit, your presence is welcome. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by and may you have many blessings in your continued journey.