So anyway, here are a bunch of randoms to keep you in the loop...
*These are the flowers I received from Boyfriend last night. Sorry I haven't been giving you all the flower updates. You know I'm a sucker for flowers and well... so does he. So thank you Boyfriend! :)

*I went to Ikea in Jersey the other day. Ummmm.... what? You don't even give store credit without a receipt? Ugh. Anyway, I was so bummed about making the unsuccessful trip out there that I didn't even stop by for the yummy breakfast deal. WOW.
*On my way out, I was comforted by these guys. Check it out... that's five lil babies with mama and papa!
*A few weeks ago I snagged an office. It was empty for a while (abandoned by the guy who opened up a fulltime gig for me). Anyway, it was WAY GROSS. So I spent a few hours cleaning it up and then casually announced that I now had a new spot. So yes. Thank you for small victories.

*I wonder if I'm a tad claustrophobic. We went to this concert with Rachel a few weeks back. And what in the world? I got all hot and lightheaded. Felt panicky, overheated, and nauseated. This has happened to me a few times before. Has it happened to any of you?
* I saw the movie "Enchanted" last night. Oh my! I laughed like a little school girl the whole time! I haven't been that giddy for a movie in YEARS!!! Chalk it up to one of my favorites!

*I hosted the final NCAA game at my place on Monday. The big screen seems to be luring in the crowds quite nicely.
*I put up some cool stuff on the walls. I'm embracing my minimalist lifestyle with just a few cute things to make home feel more like home. Pictures will come later I guess.
*I can't get onto my computer anymore. This bugs. My Windows needs to be reloaded and I can't find my disc. Do you have a disc for Windows XP Home Edition I could borrow? (No, I'm not ready to just "buy a new computer." I'm saving for other things right now, so that will have to wait!)