Last night Boyfriend and I hopped onto a Harbor Cruise. It was fun! And as an added bonus, I ran into one of my buddies from work there.
Sidenote: Yes. I happen to be one of those annoying people who tends to run into people I know where ever I go. It has happened in common places and weird places, small cities and large, national and international. Kinda a fun little treat!
The boat went by the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and we had a great view of all the city highlights. Plus, the weather was PERFECT. It was the first really warm day we've had here since last Fall, so we really lucked out!

Afterward, we walked around Times Square a little before heading home.

I felt like taking a pic of our studios.

Today I got my haircut and then headed to meet two of the sweet girls, Anita and Beth. I worked with both of them back in Portland. (Yeah! Portland!)

Anita was just accepted to my Master's program at Columbia!!! (Yeah! Columbia!) So Anita's out here for orientation. I'm so excited for her. She's gonna do great!
On my way to meet the girls, I ran into the Dean from J-School on the subway (remember what I said about running into people?) and I put in a good word for smartie Anita. (Yeah! Good word!)
Beth is a photographer and just moved here for a pretty sweet gig. She's so cute and funny! I'm so glad to have her close to me!!!
Now I'm at work making news happen for you people. Tomorrow I get to spend some more time with friends. And then more news.
I'm really grateful for my friends, my blessings, and just for the happiness in my heart.
(Yeah! Happiness!)