Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Deconstructing Dating

So... in regards to the poll...

I'm posting another poll. This time I'm splitting it up for men and women respondents. I've had a couple guys tell me to split it up. They both said, "I bet if you poll just guys they'll say such-n-such." Their assumed answers were complete opposites. :)
I find this funny.
How come we haven't talked about this unsaid "rule" before?

Here's the poll question again:

If a guy asks a girl out and she knows for a fact that she's not interested and there is NO chance for a future, what is the proper response?

The poll results (from men and women):

Go anyway. At least it helps you both practice dating. (And who knows - he could have cute friends!)
12 (40%)

No way. Don't go. Be honest. Why waste anyone's time?
12 (40%)

Don't go and let him down easy, even if it means making up a reason.
6 (20%)

So what's the deal here?
I tend to believe that if I'm not seeing anyone else at the time and the guy doesn't give me the creepy vibe, then I'll go. Why not? It'd be a good time.

But then there's the other argument: I'm not looking for any other guy "friends". I have plenty of friends. I'm looking for a keeper, not just a "good time." So if I'm not interested, then why waste my time -- or his?

So please, let's continue to discuss. And please vote!
And all you "marrieds" -- please weigh in too. What would you have done? Or what have you done and regretted/celebrated?