Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Having Fun with Failure

I've been thinking that fantastic query, "What's next?", once again.
I feel as if I do this all the time... trying to find more excitement and ideas in my life. I have a few ideas brewing and have given myself some deadlines to get started... and those days are creeping close!

Mostly I'm grateful for the "real life" I have created outside of work.
Don't get me wrong, my job is fun. I typically downplay how much I enjoy it, but I suppose that's because I enjoy the other aspects of my life even more... like playing with friends and such.

As I was searching for some inspiration today, I ran across J.K. Rowling's commencement speech at Harvard. I'm not typically on the "I heart J.K." bandwagon, but this is a great speech if you're looking for a little boost to follow your dreams... or to figure out what dreams have yet to manifest themselves.