Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Hunting We Will Go...

This weekend marked the First Annual Inwood Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza. The lovely Corina spent several hours scouring the northern part of the island looking for tidbits of history and mystery. On Saturday morning, we split into groups and tried to conquer the quest.

Our group, which Holly appropriately named Team Frisky, was on a roll. We quickly spotted all the clues and enjoyed some really great conversation along the way. We even saw some cool things that weren't on the list, like this lil' WigWam! The day just verified that Manhattan - and my friends - are pretty much the greatest ever.

We were pretty much the best team to ever scavenge a hunt. We were headed for a win as we wandered up to the Cloisters, but as the day dragged on, our feet seemed to drag a bit more slowly. The deadline to return was quickly approaching and we decided to avoid the rush to the finish, keep our friendships intact, and declare ourselves winners no matter the outcome.
Upon our return we found that the other teams were equally as exhausted and educated. It was such fun times!!!