Friday, May 02, 2008

Moving Day!

8:00 -- I head to pick up Beth from her temporary housing. We drive to her place and wait for the movers. We were expecting two trucks. The first truck was supposed to arrive between 8:30 and 10:30... with all of our stuff from Portland.
The second truck was supposed to arrive at 9:30 to pack up just my stuff and bring it to my place.

10:30 -- still waiting for the movers.

Beth kept calling her people. Busy signal.
I kept calling my people. No answer. Finally I check my email. The movers had emailed saying they weren't coming.


Quick phone calls to people off of Craigslist. I find some guys. They can be there within the hour.

11:00 -- Beth's movers arrive!!!

I stay down on the street making sure everything gets out of the truck okay. All of my stuff sits on the curb. (I can't believe it's no longer in my garage!!!)
Beth makes sure everything gets in safely upstairs... including her couch, which somehow fit through the little hallway.
(Can you see her peeking out the window??)

11:30 -- My guys show up. They get my stuff off the curb and pack it up. They get lost and can't speak English.

12:00 -- After much confusion, my stuff gets home.
I forgot to take the pic of stuff in my place.
Maybe that'll appear tomorrow... Maybe not.