Friday, June 08, 2007

Amazing Grace

My angels are here upon this Earth... Disguised as family, friends, sweet puppies and kitties, strangers who pray for me, and new smiling faces.

Every day, I am more amazed at the blessings bestowed upon me. Many of those appear through painful moments that somehow remind me of the Lord's love for me.

I am back in my hometown with my very first friend, Cathy. She made me a chocolate cake, took the day off work, and bought some new movies for us to watch.
I have no idea how she ever remained friends with me. Many of the stories from our childhood reveal how I wanted to fit in with my classmates and excluded her from the group. We competed in everything. Shared everything. And were closer than I could imagine any sister would have been.

I asked her today, "How in the world are you still friends with me?"
She stated simply, "There is too much invested."

Tonight, Watson howled with anger at the neighbor's angry pitbull. I walked out in frustration to lure him inside and somehow tripped on the brick patio. I thought I was okay at first but then noticed I actually had an awfully huge gash on my big toe. I walked inside and announced that I was bleeding rather badly.
Her fiance rushed to me with a tissue and applied pressure to the wound. Cathy grabbed peroxide. The two carefully placed my toe inside a bowl while Cathy poured the bottle of peroxide and cleaned the cut, scraping out pieces of dirt.

It proved to be a physical reminder of something I'd once again been realizing in the past few days:
I have a high tolerance for pain.

I looked at my two friends mending my wounds... and was humbled by the great love they have for me. I thought how I could do it myself, but I am so grateful for the care I have been shown... For their help in a time of need, when I could have easily drowned in lonely sorrow alone.

Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet...
John 13:3-5