Monday, June 11, 2007

It's Never Too Late

My grandfather is 99. He hits the century mark in November.

This year has been a big one for him.

In February, he and my step-grandmother moved from L.A. to Minneapolis to be closer to her family. It was the first time Grandpa had left California in 70 years!
I think the move somehow gave him a little strength in his character... certainly a side I hadn't seen in him in a long, long time.

This week, for the second time in his 99th year, Grandpa is moving across the country. He's headed to Oregon to be near our family... leaving his wife to be alongside hers.

It's quite the change for anyone -- but certainly for a man nearing his 100th year.

So it makes me think about the many things I still want to do with my life... and about how I actually have a lot of time.
And it makes me want to dream even bigger than I have before, love more, and believe in more. We're not done yet... Eternity is just beginning.

This life is my story. So I'm going to do all I can to make it one worth telling.

Maybe I will wait to have children in my 80s...
Then they can change MY diapers!