Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Czech Please

So... it's been a year since my trip to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and London... but I never posted the pics.
Ruthie, please forgive me. Here's some eye candy for ya.

I thought this was fantastic advertising. "Probably" the best... but we're not so sure...

Ah... crazy beautiful. I'd just spent months studying art, music, theatre, photography, graffiti, dance, spoken word, architecture... and among the many mysteries was Frank Gehry, a modern legend. These buildings are referred to as "Fred and Ginger." Apparently the locals thought this building was atrocious and wondered, "What the heck is that?" They decided it looked like two people dancing.
I decided it just looks cool.

Overlooking the mote from the castle in Cesky Krumlov.

Their history might very well be cooler than ours. Not sure...


Medusa's friend

Off to London with mom